Metes And Bounds Land, Boat Docks, Beach Cabanas | Metes And Bounds, , St. James City, Florida 33956

St. James City, Florida, 33956
For Sale Price Range
$850,000 - $850,000
Median Active For Sale
$850,000 / $0 PPSF
Median Sold
$0 / $0 PPSF
For Rent Price Range
$0 - $0
Median Active For Rent
$0 / $0 PPSF
Median Rented
$0 / $0 PPSF
Maintenance per Sq.Ft.
Floor Plans
2,288 - 2,288
Total Floors In Building
Market Snapshot for Metes And Bounds, Single Family Homes, residential community in St. James City, Florida. Metes And Bounds Single Family Homes is located at St. James City, Florida, 33956. This residential community was built in year (N/A) and currently offering (1) Single Family Homes for sale in Metes And Bounds, with price ranges from $850,000 to $850,000.
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Price, High to Low

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Metes And Bounds, 9000/9150 Stringfellow, St. James City, Florida 33956
Development: Metes And Bounds
Subdivision: Metes And Bounds
9000/9150 Stringfellow,
St. James City, Florida 33956

Metes And Bounds: Pine Island's unique climate is known for it's tropical fruit - As per seller approximately 3000 MANGO TREES on 43 acres! Nam Doc Mai, Carrie & Florigon Mango Varieties. The mango trees are 7 years old, property fronts on Pine Island's main road Stringfellow, for excellent access and sales. The grove is ditched, irrigated, fenced, water-retention, and clean. 1) Florigon mango... is a fiberless mango variety from south Florida. This mango variety is highly disease resistant and produces exceptionally flavored yellow skinned fruit. The flesh is firm with a deep yellow color and mild flavor. The fruit ripens from Late May-July. 2) Nam Doc Mai mango. This superior Thailand mango is the most sought after mango variety in Asia for its sweet, delicious flavor and juicy, fiberless fruit. The fruit has an elongated shape that tapers to a point and ripens to golden yellow. It's considered by many to be the best tasting, dessert quality mango. 3) Carrie Mango, fiberless Florida cultivar that's exceptionally rich, sweet and flavorful which makes it an excellent quality eating mango. Sale includes 3 parcels: 33-44-22-00-00004.002C - PAR IN SE1/4 OF SEC 33 + SW1/4 OF SEC 34 FR SE COR S89D 04M 03SW 733.98, 33-44-22-00-00004.002B - PAR IN SE1/4 OF SEC 33 + SW 1/4 OF SEC 34 FR SE COR OF SEC 33 S89D 04M 03SW 733.98FT TH N15D 55M 53SW 452.67 TO POB, 34-44-22-00-00004.0000 - PAR IN SW1/4 OF SEC 34 FR SW COR N89D 04M 33SE 270.03FT TO POB TH N01D 43M 41SW 875.82
